So its been more than a year and I'm still sad. I miss my life in CoMo a lot and so does my family. I can truly say that God blessings were so bountiful then, and now! I miss my family (they were more than friends) and know that they will forever be a part of my heart. Fairview Road Church of Christ was a wonderful place and we miss everyone so much! I miss Mizzou, Shakespeare's pizza, the circle that is Columbia Mall, parks, the Katy Trail, The Roots and Blues Festival, Tiger Night of Terror, kettle corn (its not the same here!). Its true that I stole this idea of writing what a miss about Columbia from a friend...but I think I just needed to write it out to make me feel better. Things in Texas are by no means bad, I just miss the fact that I had a storybook neighborhood and wonderful family and friends that just made it HOME. I'm adjusting and know that if I ever have to leave Texas I'll have some of the same feelings if I leave.
Ok...I can't stay sad!! On to the good stuff. Kid update:
Brittany: Is soooooo busy and active with school and sports. She is in National Junior Honor Society, P.A.L., volleyball season just ended (it was her first time playing the game and she made the A team!) basketball season starts and will consume our winter!! She's doing well in school and really enjoys her last year of middle school...I know...I know where does time go?
Joseph: Is enjoying school and he and Jacob were on the football team and had a great time. They really enjoy skateboarding and love the fact that they can ride up to the library by our house.
Jacob: Is really into skateboarding right now. He wants to try out for basketball and he still enjoys playing the violin.
James: Is in kindergarten!! He loves it. He plays soccer and his mommy is the (really horrible does absolutely nothing) assistant coach.
Everyone is doing well, we all just miss Columbia!
One more sad note. Please pray for my family. Earlier this month we lost my grandmother Lucille Carrigan suddenly, and just last Thursday my grandfather (my mother's father) James Turner died. We are traveling to Las Vegas for the funeral and would really appreciate your thoughts and prayers. Its a rough time but with help from Him we will get through!
I can't end this sad, so I will end it with a message. Please vote today!! If you haven't already, vote! Take your friends, family and neighbors. If you know anyone who is disabled or elderly and may need assistance please call them today to make sure they get to the polls. I voted and my voice was counted! Vote today so that you won't be speechless tomorrow!
Love you all lots and lots!!
2 years ago
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