Its been a long time since I've written, I've felt like I've been taking a vacation from life lately! Anyways nothing much is going on, James turned 4 on December 26, we spent Christmas with my parents in Dallas and had a blast, thanks to everyone for making our Christmas so much fun, and now I'm about to start my VERY LAST semester in law school!! Wohoo!! I have a busy month or two planned that might make for some exciting fotter but I don't know. I'm just waiting to see what tomorrow brings! The kids are still hilarious and I'm sure I'll have more to add from them in the coming year. One of my New Year's resolutions is to take more time out for the things I enjoy doing, like this blog, exercising and watching movies. I hope that I'm able to be more dedicated, especially now that I know there are at least a few people reading this! Yea!! I'm so excited about this year and the changes it will bring, I know that I'll have to leave some things behind very soon and I just want to enjoy every second with the people I will leave soon, and in the town that I've grown to love so much! I can't believe I've been in Columbia, Missouri for seven years. It seems like yesterday that I was coming up to visit for the first time. Its been a great run. (But enough with the mushy stuff I've still got time to take a trip down memory lane in the months to come!)
Something else new, I've decided to start training for a 1/2 marathon with some friends, and I think I'm actually going to stick with it this time! Hoorah for change! I will be posting updates and tips and stuff that I pick up along the way, but to close out I'd like to post a few select pictures from the holidays. More are posted on my facebook page. Again if you have facebook and are reading this message please add me if you have not already done so! I hope that everyone is having a rockin' '09 and I can't wait to see what this year brings. In fact I'm thinking about putting together a year in review for '08...I just love how thoughts come to me, anyways enjoy the photos peeps, adios for now!
