Okay so I've been MIA but just because I haven't had much to say. Christmas pictures would be nice, but alas I have no camera charger and no pictures. This is something I am going to rectify really soon, because I missed a lot this holiday season being camera-less. I missed a great Christmas eve family shindig, a hot-wheels/zhuzhu pet/spy watch/super early morning Christmas, a rockin' chillaxin' NYE '10, a super awesome mini-snowman and snow ice cream made by mommy and Jamesy. So I guess its time I get a camera charger? My kiddos will be adults soon, so I guess I should get to snapping and uploading. I have tons of pictures that only recently made it out for James' star of the week poster. Something I need to take a picture of and post...
NE way, James is once again fascinated with my jiggling middle. The other day he said mommy it looks like you have a baby in your belly. Do you have a baby in your belly? Me: Nope just fat James: Its so jiggly * he puts his had no my stomach and moves my fat back and forth saying jiggly jiggly jiggly, jiggly jiggly jiggly.... for FIVE minutes!!* Nice one son. So then a few days later he sits next to me on the couch and says mommy are you sure there is no baby in your belly. Me: Nope baby just fat James: See a baby could be right there mommy * as he pats my fat* Me: Nope no baby. James: Mommy you should have a baby. Me: Jamesy you are my baby. James: I'm not a baby you need a baplacement (replacement). A little baby brother or sister. When are you going to have another baby mommy? Me: I don't know, no time soon sweetie. Maybe never you have to ask Daddy. James: Where do babies come from? Me: Well, lets wait for Daddy on that one....
Oh boy, here we go again...I love how I can usually put my kids off on their father. Here's another example...
Brittany: Hey what if when I'm in 10th grade an 11th grader asks me to a dance, can I go??
Me: Brittany you are in the 8th grade....
Brittany: I know but what IF....
Me: Ask your dad...
See it works marvelously and I don't have to answer the tough questions by myself. But I do have a little boy obsessed with my fat and babies, and a teenager already dreaming of older boys...great, just great. *Sigh* Gotta love my crazy kiddos!!
On another note I am signed up and training for a 1/2 marathon!! Yeah!!! I have already run 14 miles this week, and after this evening's run I should be up to 18 miles. I'm really excited because I'm actually following through this time. (Another reason for a camera charger, so I can have proof when I cross the finish line!). I could say its a New Year's resolution, but I'm not going to do those anymore...too depressing when you realize on February first you've kept exactly ZERO of those resolutions!!!
On a heavier note...please keep my family in prayer. My father was diagnosed with congestive heart failure on Friday. Its been a rough couple of days but he is doing okay, but please keep him lifted up to the father.
Enough of my droning!! Hopefully next post will have pictures!!
Oh last but not least: Happy Founders Day women of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated on 98 years of Scholarship, Service and Sisterhood! The tradition carries on today because Delta Sigma Theta IS the ONLY way. Ooo Oop sorors!!! (To all my non-greek readership...today is the day my sorority was founded 98 years ago on the campus of Howard University in Washington D.C. by 22 courageous women.)
Well that's all for now!! Have a great one, and hopefully 2011 is starting off well for you.
2 years ago